
RC4 Housing Database offers a convenient and intuitive interface for RC4 housing management staff to streamline their daily operations.

Code contribution:

Enhancements to new and existing features

I contributed code to the following modules/classes:

  1. Created a new filter feature to filter residents according to the fields by adding classes AttributesMatchAllKeywordsPredicate, AttributesMatchAnyKeywordsPredicate, FilterCommand, , FilterCommandParser and Rc4hdbParser classes.
  2. Enhanced the filter feature to filter with different specifiers for multiple types of filters by adding ResidentStringDescriptor and Specifier classes and also modifying the above classes.
  3. Added a remove command to delete multiple residents according to filters indicated by users by adding classes RemoveCommand and RemoveCommandParser.


  4. Testing for Filter and Remove Command Classes mentioned above.
  5. Testing for Venue Commands You may view these contributions in more detail at this link.

    Contributions to the UG:

    I contributed to the following sections of the user guide:

  6. Added the filter and remove command sections for the user guide.
  7. Fixed UG bugs in file commands section and field details.

    Contributions to the DG:

    I contributed to the following sections of the developer guide: «««< HEAD

  8. Add use cases for venue add delete view book unbook.
  9. Add Manual Testing for Modifying residents: add, delete, remove, edit
  10. Modified Storage and Logic components
  11. Added filter implementation in the implementation section

In particular, I added/updated the following UML diagrams: FilterCommandSequenceDiagram, StorageClassDiagram, LogicClassDiagram, CommandDiagram, DeleteSequenceDiagram

Community and Project Management:

  • Reviewed 22 pull requests including major changes such as #57, #124 and #55.
  • Surfaced 8 potential bugs & suggestions for other teams during PE-D.
  • Supported and handled test workload for the team according to the progress and expectations of the project.

Contributions to the Developer Guide: